Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Teaching from Afar

So I found myself in a dilemma this Tuesday/Wednesday... how to plan/teach without actually being near the building.

With the death of my wife's dear Grandma (which is why I missed the first online meeting we'd scheduled as part of a technology learning committee), I found myself in Maidstone, SK trying to plan/teach a class in Spiritwood, SK (close to 2 hours away).

Online content worked out well. Emailing plans appeared to work. As I move towards implementing wikis and Moodle into the course delivery, this should make such unplanned events even easier.


pcone said...

Sorry to hear about your Grandma-in-law.

Real Gary Ball said...

I have my Computer Science all set up on Gmail accounts. (Since I am not going to wait for their Lsky acounts.) I have them trained to log into their accounts and check for an email from me every class. It makes it easy to send them assignments when I am out. I was home sick once and was able to answer a students question from home during classtime.